3 H 2019-2020 "Democratic Participation" activities - Liceo Statale Niccolò Machiavelli

3 H 2019-2020 "Democratic Participation" activities

- 24.10: Reflecting on and reporting about the class representatives’ elections in terms of objectives and strategies _Individual project work: building up a chart with symbols/key words about your strategies and objectives to set up an effective representatives’ election campaign The 2 class graphic expert desing the class poster "Our #democraticparticipation @school" on the basis of their mates symbols and key words [21 pupils and 21 key words]
- 28.10: Reflecting on "Letter to a teenager"_conflict management
- 29.10: Group project work: watching the Twinspace video "Words have power" and talking about that; 2 graphic expert students analyse their classmates’ chart (key-words and images)
- 18.11.19 Group work: a. give your definition of online hate and support it with one example from your experience or from a video; b. give your definition of bullying and support it with one example from your experience or from a video Class discussion: spotting the ping between online bullying and online hate. "Bullying is the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power" "Online hate is any online content targeting someone based on protected characteristics with the intent or likely effect of inciting, spreading or promoting hatred or other forms of discrimination"
- 21.11.19 Group work on the eTwinning project TSOLCH: a. check the forum on online hate speech on the Twinspace and give your feedback to the foreign partners; b. in your group start thinking of an ant- hate speech slogan to suggest your partners; c. ffter watching "our democratic participation" poster, say which 3 attitudes or mindsets you would need to develop most, why and how

English teacher M.R. Fasanelli

Ultimo Aggiornamento: 4 luglio 2020

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