10.12.2018 How to write a resolution about SDGs for the UN - Liceo Statale Niccolò Machiavelli

10.12.2018 How to write a resolution about SDGs for the UN

United Nations Simulation lecture

Facilitator: a former student of Liceo N. Machiavelli, now at LUISS, Rome + 5 groups of students from class 5 H divided in groups:

GROUP 1 - Miriam’s group: Goal 1, No poverty

GROUP 2 _ Zoe’s group: Goal 2, Zero hunger

GROUP 3 _ Ilaria’s group: Goal 5, Gender equality

GROUP 4 _ Lorenzo’s group: Goal 8, Economic growth

GROUP 5 _ Gilda’s group: Goal 13, Climatic action

Materials and tools: Resolution Template, Interactive whiteboard, smartphones (BYOD), blackboars, pens and paper

Pre-requisites: students know what the Agenda 2030 and its 17 SDGs are, they have already grouped according to their favourite 5 SDGs and done a 40’ group research work

- Brief presentation of what a resolution is and explanation of the activity. (10 minutes)
- Starting from that, the group has a debate among its members on how to reach the SDG, and comes up with a draft resolution, following the template given (20 minutes)
- The groups share their work with the rest of the class (in the remaining time, approximately 5 minutes each group) 25’
- The facilitator does some wrapping up underlining the good points and the points to be improved for each group ( 5’ all in all all) /quote>

Ultimo Aggiornamento: 11 dicembre 2018

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