🌎 16.12.2022 Il Machiavelli a "Erasmus+ in Lazio" - Liceo Statale NiccolĂČ Machiavelli

🌎 16.12.2022 Il Machiavelli a "Erasmus+ in Lazio"

Il 16.12.2022 una delegazione di 12 studenti e studentesse di 3 classi del Liceo N. Machiavelli impegnate in progetti eTwinning e Erasmus+ della scuola prendono parte all’evento Erasmus+ in Lazio: percorsi di inclusione, cittadinanza, sostenibilità ambientale e innovazione digitale organizzato dall’Agenzia Erasmus+ INDIRE insieme alla Regione Lazio.

Gli studenti ascoltano storie di progetti coinvolgenti, inclusivi, ad alto impatto sulla vita degli alunni e degli adulti che vi hanno preso parte, apprendono delle grandi possibilitĂ  che il Programma Erasmus+ offre ai giovani e acquisiscono dimestichezza con le prioritĂ  trasversali del Programma - inclusione sociale, sostenibilitĂ  ambientale, transizione verso il digitale, promozione della partecipazione alla vita democratica.

Ecco alcune delle foto e impressioni, a sintesi della giornata, che studenti e studentesse hanno inviato alla loro docente di inglese.

“Diversity is part of our world, we cannot exlcude it from our lives so we should learn to integrate this diversity better because we are already part of it” Tamim

“Today, 16th December 2022, we went to the Antonianum in via Manzoni. There we learned about Erasmus+. Erasmus was first created in 1987 and went from 15 thousand people participating in it to over 13 milion people in 2022 today. Erasmus takes care of inclusion paths, citizenship, digital innovation and environmental sustainability, while the “+” stands for including international people. This project can begin from elementary school and continue till university, to help students integrate with Europe through their studies. For example in Rome schools organize trips to increase the international relationships among students from other countries.
As I said before, Erasmus gives importance to inclusion. With it we don’t need to think about diversity, but about stereotypes. A lady speaking about this gave an example saying that in books we only see mature, healthy and white men in history books’ timelines, and this makes people, especially little kids in school, give a specific idea of the world outside while it is the complete opposite. In citizenship, Erasmus makes everyone partecipate in democracy and politics, even young people. While in digital innovation, they make sure everyone accesses high quality digital content or instruments like computers or phones. Lastly, for the environment they focus more on the climate change. Erasmus+ also works with INDIRE, an organization that develops all the information and ideas of a project.
At the end, we saw some videos about students experiencing all of this and even heard it from them in person because they came specifically for this event.” Maria Simona

“This is a picture of a video that was played by “Europa InCanto”. It was a very emotional moment, seeing all the kids separated but still singing together during the pandemic. It’s really touching seeing how powerful music is to connect lots of people with the same passion. It was a very good experience and I got to know lots of things, especially on how the Erasmus program really works and its story. For example that the “+” in Erasmus means that the project is more international and there are more opportunities.” Kemberly
“I really enjoyed the Erasmus event because it presented an interesting programme. You have the opportunity to go abroad and you can learn languages better, discover new cultures and traditions and meet new people. The Erasmus project is dedicated to young people and I hope one day I will have the opportunity to live this experience.” Martina
“I really enjoyed this event because I realized how important it is for me to study languages: to be able to communicate with the whole world. I chose this photo because there are boys and girls who participated in this project and one day I would also like to join that group. I have understood that Erasmus is a very important opportunity for us boys and girls because it makes you grow. It is an instrument for education and formation that will serve us throughout life”. Vittoria
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