18.11.2020 Incontro con esperti JCU sul futuro del pianeta - Liceo Statale Niccolò Machiavelli

18.11.2020 Incontro con esperti JCU sul futuro del pianeta

Il 18 novembre 2020, dalle 15.30 alle 17.00, gli studenti e le docenti delle classi 4 G, 4 H, 5 N incontrano Giacomo Di Capua, studente di Relazioni Internazionali ed Economia Aziendale presso la John Cabot University di Roma, fondatore e presidente di Environmental Action Rome (EAR), e la Dott.ssa Gina Marie Spinelli, Executive Assistant to the Vice President for External Affairs and Special Projects at John Cabot University e Coordinatore delle Attività per le Scuole Secondarie di Secondo Grado presso la John Cabot University.

L’evento, dal titolo "Rachel Carson’s A Fable for Tomorrow, students’ visions about the future of the planet, viene realizzato interamente in lingua inglese sulla piattaforma di Istituto Microsoft Teams e trae spunto e ispirazione dal testo "Silent Spring" dell’autrice americana Rachel Carson, pioniera dell’ambientalismo.

Studenti, docenti, esperti esterni si confrontano su tematiche ambientali, sul valore dell’attivismo ambientalista e sugli obiettivi possibili per preservare il futuro del pianeta.

L’evento, svolto nell’ambito del progetto “ItalyReads 2020-2021”, rientra nelle attività di PCTO delle classi 4G e 5N in collaborazione con la John Cabot University, nel percorso di Educazione Civica e progettazione UNESCO della classe 4H e nelle attività CLIL delle classi coinvolte.

Prof.sse E.Cruciani, M.R.Fasanelli, M. Rizzo

Report about the meeting by a student
On November the 18th we attended a meeting with Giacomo di Capua, a John Cabot University student and an environmental activist along with two other classes from our school.
First of all, some kids from the other classes did their presentation about Rachel Carson, known as the mother of American Enviromentalism, and about her life and achievements.
They talked about the importance of her being a woman in that time and at the same time an environmental activist. Then they talked about her book, ‘Silent Spring’, which is the first Enviromental Manifesto in history, where she talked about DDT, a toxic product dangerous for the environment, animals and humans.
Thereupon the meeting went on with Giacomo di Capua that started his presentation about his life and his proposals. Foremost he took interest in the environment when he was in high school and flew to Belgium for two weeks with people from all around the world. After working around the world on endangered species he wanted to do something in his own city, Rome.
At first he created an informal community of activists but later on he thought about gathering and mapping all the organisations for the environment on Rome and create a collaboration among them all.
Afterwards he created the project ‘Rigenera Roma’ with other associations in order to organise urban development when it comes to waste and pollution. The point of it is to create partnerships with great organisations and cooperation to improve Rome by sectors with zero cost of sharing information.
Every year they expand their crew in every sector and domains like education, cleaning, cooperation etc.
At the end of the year then make a report that is sent to the administration of Rome and to the most important climate organisations.
Giacomo di Capua said that they started with San Lorenzo, in Rome, reaching out to bars to collect their opinions about problems in the neighbourhood. They identified three key areas that have the most problems and then they the project about them to Rome’s administration.
I think this meeting was very enlightening, since it was the first time I heard someone talking about the environment and making concrete actions and proposals unlike the usual chatter about the environment that never has a real turning point in reality.
Silvia G., 4 H

Si ringrazia lo studente A.C. della 4 H per la realizzazione del video dell’evento

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