Il progetto Comenius partecipa alla biennale dello spazio pubblico - Liceo Statale Niccolò Machiavelli

Il progetto Comenius partecipa alla biennale dello spazio pubblico

Nell’ambito del progetto Comenius abbiamo lavorato in particolare sulla tematica degli spazi sociali multiculturali a Roma, concentrandoci sull’area dell’ Esquilino, un quartiere vicino alla nostra scuola che si caratterizza per la sua alta percentuale di migranti.

Abbiamo iniziato dai colori e dai sapori del mercato di Piazza Vittorio, conoscendolo soprattutto attraverso le voci dei suoi protagonisti , i venditori bengalesi, egiziani, africani, italiani, rumeni e pakistani.

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Mercato Esquilino

Abbiamo proseguito con la visita alla scuola Di Donato , dove i bambimi migranti ed italiani si integrano vivacemente e lì abbiamo scoperto che grazie alle mille attività promosse dall’Associazione Genitori Scuola Di Donato la scuola è aperta fino alle nove di sera !

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Scuola Multietnica Di Donato

Inoltre con le professoresse di Spagnolo, Laura Carboneli e di Italiano, Giselda d’Eugenio, abbiamo partecipato agli eventi di piazza organizzati dall’Associazione Mediazione Sociale http://www.progettomediazionesocial..., come Assaggia il mondo al mercato di Piazza Vittorio sotto una sorprendente nevicata romana, il Capodanno Cinese ed il Carnevale Argentino .

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Capodanno Cinese
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Drago cinese

Durante quest’ultimo evento abbiamo anche organizzato un flashmob sulla multiculturalità come grande risorsa e ricchezza.

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La mostra scuola è multietnica, la nostra classe è multiculturale e questo ci spinge a riflettere sulla diversità come opportunità per approfondire il valore della nostra identità in relazione e nel dialogo con culture differenti.

Da quest’esperienza , così intensa ed emozionante, è scaturita anche una raccolta di testi creativi , scritti da noi ed intitolata " Stories of a rainbow of people " ed un gioco di metafore e similitudini dedicate al quartiere Esquilino.

Grazie al Progetto Comenius ed al nostro impegno partecipiamo alla Biennale dello Spazio http://www.biennalespaziopubblico.i... Pubblico che si terrà a Roma a maggio.

Gracias a la participación de nuestro Instituto al proyecto Comenius, nuestros trabajos participan en la “Biennale degli spazi pubblici”.

El tema del proyecto es: la multiculturalidad en los espacios sociales de nuestra ciudad. Por esta razón fuimos a visitar el barrio Esquilino y Piazza Vittorio donde viven y trabajan un alto percentaje de inmigrantes.

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Alla scoperta dell\’Esquilino

Paseando por el barrio, descubrimos culturas muy interesantes. Profundizamos el tema de la multiculturalidad concentrándonos en un espacio social muy importante para el barrio y para la ciudad de Roma es decir el mercado Esquilino. Allí entrevistamos a los comerciantes que provenían de Bangladesh, Egipto, Rumanía y Pakistán.

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Reporter per un giorno
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Divertendosi al mercato

La segunda etapa fue la escuela primaria “Di Donato” donde la mayoría de los estudiantes son extranjeros. Entrevistando a los niños descubrimos que este espacio multicultural está abierto hasta las 9 de la noche, gracias a la ayuda de una asociación de padres voluntarios llamada “Associazione Genitori Scuola Di Donato”.

Con nuestras profesoras de español Laura Carbonelli e italiano Giselda D’Eugenio, participamos en unos eventos multiculturales celebrados en las calles y plazas y organizados por la asociación del barrio “Progetto Mediazione Sociale”. Entre esos eventos fuimos a “Saborea el mundo”, la “Nochevieja China” y al carnaval argentino llamado “Murga”.

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Saborea el mundo
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Carneval Argentino (Murga)

Para acabar tomamos parte a un flashmob delante del mercado del Esquilino cuyo mensaje quería subrayar la riqueza de la multiculturalidad.

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Carnevale multietnico

Entre los espacios multiculturales incluímos también nuestro Instituto Niccoló Machiavelli que es el lugar donde pasamos la mayor parte del tiempo. Para saber lo que nuestros compañeros extranjeros piensan de nuestro Instituto y también para saber algo más de su vida les hicimos algunas entrevistas.

Además durante el curso de lengua y literatura española leímos y analizamos un libro en español titulado Inmigración y adolescencia: los retos de la interculturalidad de Miquel Siguan que es una collección de entrevistas a adolescentes que viven en unos barrios multiculturales de Madrid y Barcelona muy parecidos al barrio Esquilino. Unas alumnas realizaron una presentación power point describiendo los temas más importantes del libro. Aquí el enlace de la presentación sobre los retos de la INTERCULTURALIDAD de Marta Petrozzi y Serena Muzi

Terminamos el proyecto escribiendo un libro intitulado “Cuentos de un arcoiris de personas” que contiene todos nuestros textos creativos cuyos protagonistas son las personas que habíamos encontrado en el barrio.

Michelle Diku IIIG

Thanks to the Comenius project our works are now published in the ’Biennale degli spazi pubblici’.

For this project, that is based on multicultural social places we went to Piazza Vittorio and the Esquilino area because it’s an area with the highest percentage of foreign people in Rome.

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Tempio Buddista

We discovered such interesting things because we visited this district: we focused especially on the main multicultural social places like the market, where we interviewed the merchants coming from Bangladesh, Egypt, Africa, Romania and Pakistan.

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Assaggia il mondo

We went to “Di Donato” school, where we interviewed the kids coming from abroad and discovered that this multicultural social space is opened until 9 o’clock in the evening thanks to the ’Associazione Genitori Scuola Di Donato’.

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Di Donato school

Moreover, we took part with our Spanish teacher Laura Carbonelli and Italian teacher Giselda D’ Eugenio in some events on the streets and squares of the district organised by the association ’Progetto Mediazione Sociale’ such as "Taste the world", the "Chinese New Year’s day" and the "Argentine carnival" called "Murga"... In front of the multiethnic market of Esquilino we took part in a flashmob on multicultural richness.

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A rainbow of people

We included Machiavelli high school as a multicultural space where we spend most of our time and in order to know better what our schoolmates think of our school and about their lives we made some interviews.

We wrote a book with the title of ’Stories of a rainbow of people’ that contains all our creative tests based on the people we met in this area.

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testi creativi

We drew a multicultural map of the Esquilino district.

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Mappa dell\’Esquilino

Finally we performed the theme of the Multicultural places in Rome through a show with 54 students participating. Click here to see the videos SPETTACOLO di benvenuto alle delegazioni del Comenius

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Gli interpreti


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Documenti allegati

  • Multicultural clips (Esquilino) (Flash Video - 15.4 Mb)

    Video con fotos que resumen nuestro viaje por el Barrio Esquilino

  • mercato esquilino 1 (Flash Video - 12.6 Mb)

    In December our classmates and we went to the market of Esquilino’ area, the most important multicultural market of Rome, where people from different nationalities work. Most merchants comes from Bangladesh, Egypt, Africa, Romania and Pakistan. There are a lot of stands and they sell typical products from their country. The event was called: Taste the world!. It had been promoted by all the district’s associations. We knew that we could have the chance to be a reporter for a day.

  • mercato esquilino 2 (Flash Video - 13.1 Mb)

    At school we prepared some questions and translated them into different languages. When we went the Esquilino market we divided into different groups and we interviewed them in English, Spanish and French according to their mother tongue. These merchants were very open and nice with us, they talked about their country of origin, their lives in Italy and they explained to us why they came to work in Italy. We filmed so many videos but we chose the most representative interviews.

  • mercato esquilino 3 (Flash Video - 11.8 Mb)

    It was a nice day in the Esquilino market and we enjoyed it very much. It was funny and at the same time very interesting because we also discovered what these immigrants think about Italy and why they were compelled to leave their country. So in this way we’ve done an original work and we’ve found it very interesting! I hope you think the same!!

  • interviste machiavelli 1 (Flash Video - 12.1 Mb)

    We are going to talk about another multicultural place where we spent most of our time, that is our school. In our school there are lots of teenagers coming from different countries. We study foreign languages and we’re really interested in knowing different cultures and this project makes us more and more open-minded and curious.

  • interviste machiavelli 2 (Flash Video - 13.5 Mb)

    To know better what our mates think of our school and about their life we made some interviews. In groups we made up some questions and in the video we tried to compare their answers.

  • interviste machiavelli 3 (Flash Video - 11.9 Mb)
  • On the 17th of February we went to Di Donato school, which is situated in Piazza Vittorio. In this school 90 per cent of pupils come from all over the world such as Colombia, China, and Philippines. This multicultural social space is open until 9 o’clock in the evening with extra curriculum activities to integrate these kids. Even the children’s parents are helping in the school.

    When we arrived the pupils who were 11 or 12 years old were waiting for us. (First they showed us a video of a trip that the Italian kids’ families made in Africa to understand better their children’s schoolmates origins). Then we started our interviews, getting some information about their school and life in general. In this way we could understand how they were feeling when they came to Italy and if they were comfortable in this unusual school. When we were asking them these questions, we saw they were very close and comfortable with each other like a little famil

  • Scuola Multietnica Di Donato e IIIG (Flash Video - 4.8 Mb)

    Gli alunni che hanno collaborato nel video

  • Libro intitulado ’Cuentos de un arcoiris de personas’ (The stories of a rainbow of people) que contiene todos nuestros textos creativos cuyos protagonistas son las personas que habíamos encontrado en el barrio.

  • The stories of a rainbow of people. Un cuento de Francesca Paludetti IIIG

  • un cuento de Marta Petrozzi IIIg

  • Un cuento de Michelle Diku IIIG

  • Un cuento de Genesis Conde IIIG

  • Un cuento de Ilaria Gennaro IIIG

  • un cuento de Martina Intestinale IIIG

  • Los alumnos del IG describen con metáforas y símiles el Barrio Esquilino y Plaza Vittorio

  • Un resumen de todas las etapas del proyecto sobre la Multiculturalidad en el barrio Esquilino y en nuestro Instituto y de las actividades realizadas por los alumnos del IIIG y IV G

Ultimo Aggiornamento: 5 dicembre 2011

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