Aggiornamento Docenti Inglese Novembre 2009 - Liceo Statale Niccolò Machiavelli

Aggiornamento Docenti Inglese Novembre 2009


The 34th TESOL-Italy Convention will be held at the SGM Centre in Rome, Via Portuense 741, on the 20th and 21st November 2009. Over the last 30 years TESOL-Italy has been continuously involved in updating teachers on the most recent developments in the field of second language acquisition. The title of this year’s convention is ‘Multiplying Voices’: the voices, that is to say, in the form of sounds, images, objects we hear, see and experience in today’s world, that are shaping our daily actions and decisions as teachers and educators. More specifically, this year’s convention will tackle the following themes:

1. Enhancing language learning through technology: in order to show how to achieve both teacher and language development utilizing the tools offered by technology;

2. Shaping identity through differences in primary and secondary schools: in order to show how by ‘diversifying’ our educational objectives we can value and respond to diversity as expressed by different cultural backgrounds, skills, interests and success rates;

3. Treasuring creativity and the language of literature: in order not to lose track of what makes the language and literature of a country what it is: an invaluable treasure-chest of words, sounds and images in various forms.

4. Promoting equity and equality in the ELT classroom: in order to stimulate students to feel part of a cultural and social community and through such a community have their needs satisfied, their objectives fulfilled.

The themes above will be discussed by prominent scholars such as Dörney, Johnstone, Prodromou, Zadina, Portelli, Slattery and by many other international researchers and teachers through talks and workshops.

Convegno nazionale di aggiornamento e di formazione per insegnanti di lingua inglese nelle scuole di ogni ordine e grado. TESOL-Italy - Associazione qualificata Direttiva MIUR 90/2003. Confermato con DM 05.07.2005, Prot. n. 1227. TESOL-Italy, Via Boncompagni 2, 00187 Roma Tel: +39 06 46742432 Fax: +39 06 46742478 E-mail: Web site:

Ultimo Aggiornamento: 26 ottobre 2009

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