Contributi di marzo 2009 - Liceo Statale Niccolò Machiavelli

Contributi di marzo 2009

Nel numero di marzo 2009 è la musica a farla da padrona. Chiara ci parla di due gruppi del nord Europa da lei amati, accomunati da una sorta di “linea gotica”, mentre Flavio celebra una band storica del pop britannico i “Queen”. Inoltre, ricordiamo a tutti che il “concorso Machiavelli” di scrittura creativa del nostro istituto, quest’anno, in via sperimentale, si apre agli apporti di poesie e racconti brevi nelle lingue straniere studiate (francese, inglese, spagnolo). Buona lettura, e scrittura!

Music from the North

by Chiara Masia II H

Abstract 1

My point is that Within Temptation is a very good band. I love their music. I would like you to listen to their song: “ Our Farewell “ , because, as I understand, it is about the passing away of a loved one. The song says that our loved ones, dead or alive, watch over us, especially when we are in trouble. The stanzas of the song sound like the thoughts of a daughter who has lost her mother, while the refrains are the answers she imagines coming from her mother. Actually, this song is sung as a duet in its live version with Tarja Turunen of the band Nightwish. Personally, I think that Nightwish is an outstanding band, too. In my opinion, the singer , Tarja, has a fantastic voice! Among their songs, I’d advice “Phantom of the opera ”, inspired by the French novel by Gaston Leroux. The “Phantom of The Opera “is a gothic novel, combining romance, horror, mystery and tragedy. It is set in late 19th-century Paris at the Opéra Garnier.

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Music from the North




by Flavio Pauselli II H

Abstract 2

This article will speak about the magic rock band named “Queen”, which were especially popular in the seventies and eighties, but I have personally loved this band since I was born, and I state that even if I was born after the Queen had left the scene. I believe that it is enough to listen to one of their songs to love their music, because their songs are like poems, poems accompanied by an engaging and fantastic music. That’s why I think you can describe their music with one world: “magic”. It’s really “a kind of magic”.

Scarica il contributo completo in pdf che trovi allegato qui sotto

PDF - 26.6 Kb



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