2-12 Marzo 2018 Settimana del Rosadigitale - Liceo Statale Niccolò Machiavelli

2-12 Marzo 2018 Settimana del Rosadigitale

In occasione della giornata internazionale della donna, si svolgerà, in tutta Italia e all’estero, la Settimana del Rosadigitale (dal 2 al 12 Marzo 2018), una manifestazione per le pari opportunità nel campo del digitale che ha lo scopo di abbattere le discriminazioni di genere.

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Lavori delle classi su Settimana del Rosadigitale e STEM

8th March& STEM in I H (English classes)

- visione del video CNN "The exact age when girls lose interest in science and math" a questo link

- ricerca sull’acronimo S.T.E.M.

- visione del trailer uffiale del film "Hidden figures" (Il diritto di contare)

- ricerca sul film e sul libro "Hidden figures" e sul contesto sociopolitico degli Stati Unit negli anni ’60

- lavoro di gruppo per la creazione di una Pubblicità Progresso "8th March in STEM" (manifesto or spot televisivo)

8th March& STEM in III H (English classes)

- ricerca su donne STEM significative
- video-interviste a docenti STEM del Liceo N. Machiavelli
- redazione di un articolo

STEM - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

STEM is the acronym that stands for “Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics”. It is typically used to improve competitiveness in science and technology development. That’s because education is not universally available and gender inequalities persist. As a matter of fact in many schools we can notice that STEM fields have been predominantly male occupations, with historically low participation among women.

There are many reasons for that, and they are all related to discrimination: wrong stereotypes who proclaim women as not suitable to study scientific subjects, and most important there’s a lack of support and of role models. But in the word we actually have so many excellent woman models, just like Naomi Wu, a web developer who codes for big companies such as JavaScript, but she first started under a masculine acronym to avoid gender discrimination.

If we look even closer we will find Selene Biffi, an Italian social entrepreneur who established a school for storytellers in Afghanistan, starting from just 150 euro and her genial start-up idea.

Our school shows the essence of STEM daily, with the many female teachers who demonstrate their expertise in scientific subjects, for example Mrs. Aresu, who holds a degree in Mathematics and teaches Maths and Physics in our school.

Here’s her interview:
- Why did you choose this kind of degree?
- I like mathematics because I like logics, solving problems and planning things to organise my life. I chose this kind of degree to follow my passion.

- What pushed you to become a teacher and focus your career on STEM?
- I worked in IBM, a technology industry, but I quit my job to start my teching career and share my knowledge with students.

- Are you happy to work in the scientific field?
- Yes, I am. That’s because teaching scientific subjects is a very difficult but exciting challenge in Italy because of the lack of labs and classes (we only have two classes a week), but I consider my choice a successful one.

Mrs. Pastore as well plays an important role in the STEM subjects, that recently fascinated her and widened her knowledge. She’s a P.E. teacher so she has always been related to the scientific field, and three years ago she decided to insert and IT aspect to her lessons, and teach her pupils how to code. This is what she thinks about coding and this scientific aspect of her life.

- What does coding mean?
- Coding is an english word and it means “to program”. It is related to algorithms which help us solve problems through a series of actions and to the computational thinking process, which is a mental ability to solve problems.

There are many projects related to STEM in our school, for example Mrs. Aresu and Mrs Antonini, and others valuable teachers, are tasked to teach one of their subjects in a foreign language through CLIL’s projects. (Content and Language Integrated Learning).

eTwinning is, such as coding, another way of implementing virtual classrooms and incorporating technology into our daily curricular work, and we do eTwinning projects with Mrs. Fasanelli.

Also Mrs. Proietti and Mr. Coeli did an interesting project at our school and created a video which explains how to understand physics through 3d printing machines, and posted an article you can find here : . Credit links:
- STEM logo:

Aurora Pisano, III H 2017-2018

8th March& STEM in 2 B

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A.D. M.R.Fasanelli e V. Antonucci del Team per l’Innovazione Digitale

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