Aggiornamento Docenti Inglese Novembre -Dicembre 2010 - Liceo Statale Niccolò Machiavelli

Aggiornamento Docenti Inglese Novembre -Dicembre 2010

Friday 26th November 10.00 - 13.00


"for Schools" format - Computer Based Sessions

Over the last two years, Cambridge ESOL has introduced KET and PET for Schools, a version of the traditional KET and PET examinations, whose contents have been specifically studied to meet school students’ interests.

Cambridge ESOL have also introduced computer-based version of their tests as an alternative to the traditional pencil and paper method. These are proving to be very popular especially among young candidates such as KET and PET candidates.

This seminar is to present all options available to KET and PET candidates, to receive practical guidance on helping candidates to perform effectively and answer all the questions you might have.

The seminar will be held at the British Council Rome and will be led by Theresa McGowan, Team Leader for Cambridge oral examiners.

L’Associazione "TESOL-Italy" organizza il 35° convegno nazionale "Language Flows", in cui verranno affrontati i seguenti temi: Enhancing New Media Literacy, Fostering Learner Progression, Promoting Intercultural Communication, Implementing Effective Language Policies, attraverso sessioni plenarie, parallele e poster sessions. Il convegno si terrà il 19-20 novembre 2010 presso il centro congressi SGM, Via Portuense 741, Roma. Per qualsiasi altra informazione, è possibile visitare il sito o contattare: tel. 06/46742432; e-mail:

Thursday 16th December 10.00 - 13.00


Tips to succeed in the Listening test

Feedback from candidates and teachers tell us that many candidates are not comfortable with the Listening paper for First Certificate. Our statistics show that this is partly due to a perceived difficulty, which is not reflected in candidates’ examination results. However, the Listening is one of the most challenging parts of the exam and therefore requires practice and development of listening skills.

This seminar is to offer tips and provide guidance on how to prepare candidates for this paper and help them perform at their best.

The seminar will be held at the British Council Rome and will be led by Theresa McGowan, Team Leader for Cambridge oral examiners.

Ultimo Aggiornamento: 31 October 2010

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