Contributi di gennaio 2009 - Liceo Statale Niccolò Machiavelli

Contributi di gennaio 2009

CONTRIBUTI DI GENNAIO 2009 Ecco il primo numero di Moleskine per l’anno nuovo. Sono tre pezzi sull’ormai celeberrimo film Twilight tratto dall’omonimo fortunatissimo romanzo dell’americana S. Meyer, storia di amore e vampiri. I primi due articoli, quelli di Giorgia e Martina, sono recensioni del film; il terzo, il pezzo di Chiara, è un bizzarro resoconto della partecipazione all’anteprima mondiale del film alla Festa del Cinema di Roma. Allora, buona lettura! E buon anno!

In the twilight

by Giorgia Aversa VH

Abstract 1

Since the 21st November “Twilight”, the movie based on the homonymous book by Stephenie Meyer, is at the cinema. It has gained a certain amount of success on the part of young fans, even though the critics are divided between the disappointed and the enthusiast. The story has been considered a sort of new version of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, based on an teen love between a vampire and a human girl who have to overcome the problems of their different realities and essences. Scarica il contributo completo in pdf che trovi allegato qui sotto

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In the Twilight



The eagerly awaited movie of the year

by Martina Molinari VH

Abstract 2

This film, based on the book with the same title, has been incredibly successful in the first American movie charts. This is a fantasy love-story between Bella Swan and Edward Cullen, who represent the new “Romeo and Juliet”. The choice of the protagonists is supported by the fans: Robert Pattinson as Edward has received a warm welcome by the female public becoming a new “Teenager idol”.

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The eagerly



At the Twilight premiere in Rome

by Chiara Romano IV F

Abstract 3

This is the account of my participation in the world premiere of the movie Twilight at the Festa del Cinema di Roma in November 2008. There were three of us: me, my ex English teacher (I will call her p.F.) and one of my classmates and dearest friends, Mattia. We enjoyed the movie, the yells of the fans at the highlights of the movie, the presence of the director and of the actors R. Pattinson and K. Stewart, and above all, the fact we were interviewed by a Rai 1 journalist after the show. Ironically enough, I think they interviewed the only three people who had not read the book yet!

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Twilight premiere



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